
Have you ever felt stuck on a challenge, wishing you could get a fresh perspective from someone who understands where you’re coming from?

As a former UX Research Leader, I know the challenges of navigating uncharted territory. 

Grow & Connect was born out of this desire to connect with a global network of UX Research Leaders and share our learnings.

Grow & Connect Culture

Grow & Connect isn’t about flashy presentations or a massive membership base. We focus on fostering deep connections through meaningful conversations.

Shared Challenges, Not Competition

We believe in the power of collaboration and shared learning.  There’s no room for competition here – instead, we support and learn from each other’s experiences.

Focus on Depth, Not Volume

Small group sessions allow for a chance to truly understand each other’s challenges. We value quality over quantity, ensuring everyone has a chance to be heard and supported.

Global and Inclusive

Grow & Connect transcends borders and time zones. We’re building a community where everyone feels welcome to participate, regardless of location or background.